
webpack npm starter pack

SWC + Webpack NPM Starter

Webpack starter for npm package authoring


  • Babel 7 SWC for modern javascript authoring
  • Webpack 5 for UMD bundling
  • ESLint, EditorConfig and Prettier for better dev tooling
  • JSDoc 3 for code documentation

Getting Started

1. Clone this repo

Option A: Clone this repo, run https://github.com/optimumfuturist/webpack-npm-starter.git
Option B: From the repo page, click on the "Use this template" green button (preferred).

If you cloned this repo, remove the current git repository by doing rm -rf .git. And then initialize your git repo, then push changes.

2. Update package.json

  • Update the name, version and description fields
  • Update repository, author, homepage fields
  • IMPORTANT! Please read the package.json file and get to know npm scripts.

3. Start authoring

  • Navigate to ./src/index.js and start writing. This file is where you begin composing your npm package.
  • Add files, subdirectories, or install new npm packages (whatever you need to make your library work)
  • Run npm run dev; and this command will start webpack watcher in dev mode.
  • See NPM Scripts section for more cli options

4. Write tests

  • In progress

5. Tests your modules

  • Test your modules in browsers and nodejs modules
  • In your terminal, run npm run build and then copy the bundled js file from lib directory into examples directory.
  • For nodejs In your terminal, run node examples/node-example.js and test the results.
  • For browsers In your terminal, run npm start, then go to http://localhost:5001 and test the results.

NPM Scripts

These npm scripts can be executed by typing npm run <command> in your terminal.

Command What does it do?
dev Runs Webpack in development mode with watcher enabled
build Runs Webpack in production mode, meant for publishing to npm
clean Clean lib directory
test Run your tests
lint Run linting for all codes in src directory and fix
start Starts a web server from examples directory, meant for browser testing
start:all Runs npm run dev as well as starts a web server so that you can continue developing and testing in the browser at http://localhost:5001
docs Generated documentation in docs directory using JSDocs 3.0
start:docs Starts a documentation web server at http://localhost:5002

How to publish to NPM registry.

Please use the package np from Sindre Sorhus.

Need help?

Please file an issue and I will do my best to assist, answer.